Thursday, August 16, 2007

Favorite Green Blogs

I do a bit more Internet surfing that is probably healthy for someone whose supposed to be working, and, ah-hem, not surfing....but whatever. I've really been enjoying some excellent "green" blogs lately and am finding all sorts of sources for inspiration. Here are my top five favorites (some day I'll create a blog roll, but for now this will have to do) :

No Impact Man--An author and his family, living in New York City, attempt to re-arrange their lives to have zero environmental impact. About a month ago, they turned off their electricity--such courage!
Green as a Thistle--Everyday the author makes one green change, the challenge is to keep it up for a year. Everyday I read it I think, what in the world is left? Quite the cliff hanger.
Crunchy Chicken--Good blog, great name!
Little Blog in the Big Woods--This man has lived off the grid for 30 years. He also makes giving up your refrigerator sound like a good idea (but I'm too chicken to do it). He reminds me of Moses's dad in some ways.
Causabon's Book--This woman is one tough, smart cookie. I find her to be constantly intellectually and morally challenging.
And just for good measure, some of my favorite bicycle blogs:
Kent's Bike Blog--This man just finished up touring Washington state and Portland. He's got great comments about bicycle commuting, touring, and communities.
Zero Per Gallon--I totally understand how he feels about goats. This blog offers up a daily digest of bicycle related links among another things.
The Practical Pedal--This is a new magazine and blog about, you guessed it, practical cycling. They had some great articles in the first issue. Check out the dutch cargo bikes!


  1. Oh no! I'm already drowning in my current blogs!

    I know I asked for this...but I'm totally sunk now!
