Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was rolling along really well today--in the groove, gettin' junk done, and just generally chugging away and being an all around productive employee. Then I popped over to "Whatever" for a minute where I encountered this (takes a little time to load):

I was completely derailed for the rest of the day. Does that ever happen to you? You hear a new song and there's just something about it that sucks you in and implants itself directly onto your neural synapses and you're bopping up and down and kind of wishing that you were out running with the ipod because at least you'd be moving? This song will be replaying itself on in my mental jukebox over and over for a least a week. I don't even really know what it's about-- chickadees, archery, and if I'm not mistaken, something about a lifeguard all in the same verse or so. This afternoon I'm a little bit in love with Weezer. Track suits not withstanding. And hey, it's not country, so, you know, progress.

**11/04/09 update: as suspected, an excellent running song

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