Friday, July 13, 2007


On my way home today, I ended up in a pack of about 10 or so bikes traveling along the Third St. bike route--it was just like the Tour de France. Except minus the fruity spandex clothing and plus some backpacks and a dude with a cell phone. I was in a peloton! It was so exciting.
The problem with my peloton was that it was kind of a slow peloton and I was trapped on the inside by two lollygaggers in front of me and a couple of riders on the outside. I listened a bit while Lollygagger A and Lollygagger B discussed the merits of the bike route, and how now that they rode their bikes there were more conscious of bikes when drive. I told myself the slow pace was fine, I didn't mind the easy ride home, it'd be very pleasant.
Except that after a while I felt a surge in my legs, a desire to feel the wind in my bike helmet: I felt the need for speed. The two riders on the outside turned off and I saw the chance to make my move. I looked left--no traffic. I centered my will, moved to out to the left of the two Lollygaggers, and turned the power on, baby.
As I was whipped past the Lollygaggers, with my trailer, going up hill (slightly), I heard Lollygagger A remark:


Was it for me? I don't really know, but I'd like to think Lollygagger A knows awesome biking prowess when he sees it.


  1. Well of course it was for your biking prowess! It's entertaining to think of the looks exchanged between Lollygaggers A&B before "Nice!" was said. Do you think their jaws dropped (as much as a jaw can with a bike helmet strap around it)?

  2. I don't know. I'm thing that "Nice!" might have been for the biking prowess and other things:)...

    Just how ancient were these Lollygaggers>
