Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Shoot Me Now and Make it Quick

My work e-mail program is evil, devious, demented, cruel, and out to get me.
Whilst sending an e-mail to a judge, I misspelled the word "inconvenience," as in "sorry for the." Spell checker suggested "incontinence" and I accidentally ok'd it. Then, and imagine this part in horror-movie type slow motion, I watched as the program replaced the misspelled "inconvenience" with "incontinence" and sent the message. TO A JUDGE. (**If you have sensitive ears or are my mother, this is where you close your eyes**) shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. SHIT! fuck. shit, shit, shit! Out loud: "SHIT!"
Yes, I sent a message to a judge that said "sorry for the incontinence."
Oh. My. God.


  1. Wow, that's pretty embarassing. But you know, I bet even judges have a sense of humor. Let's hope this one does.

  2. oh my gosh ... i can't stop laughing ... tears are falling onto my desk ... which judge???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Am so empathetic on this one.

    'Cause I have done a lot of equal things.

    This too shall pass. It'll probably take too long. But it will. Or so I delude myself.

    By the by, I have read Midwives and it was good, but intense.

    go have ice cream....

  5. Oh my goodness....I think the evil misspelling gene from me and your brother hopped right from our computers to yours. That was pretty funny Kerry....I think it beats my most ..worst spelling nightmare as a teacher being observed by my principal as I wrote on the chalkboard.

  6. Well, there was this English teacher at the school where I taught who sent a message to all of her fellow teachers in the school looking for a program that would "profreed" her students' work for the spelling errors that seemed to really upset her. So, tell me again, who needed the spell check?

