Friday, February 5, 2010

Not Gonna Happen

This afternoon:

Garion: Mom, can I mix together milk, honey, and soap for a science experiment?
Me: Why?
Garion: to see what they make
Me: They make milk, honey, and soap mixed up. No, you cannot because it will make a mess and waste those things.
Garion: (starts howling) I'm going to tell Dad you won't let me do science!!!!*
Me: okay.
Garion: (immediately brightening at the thought) can I call him on phone?

1 comment:

  1. What fun...tattling to Dad about Mom's refusal to let him do science. We have yet to hear that threat on a grandparents overnight. It is probably going to be I'll tell Grandpa Larry.....=). Gave me my chuckle for the day.
