Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Uniformly Lovely

I'm thinking about adopting a uniform. I read, and I'm sure it's true because everything I read is mostly true, that most people only wear about 20% of the clothes in their closet.
The other 80% is just filler. This is probably true for me.
My favorite daily outfit is composed of: jeans, t-shirt, and cardigan with three-quarter length sleeves. I feel like myself. I look presentable but not over dressed for my day (which, let's be honest, barely involves leaving the house), and those clothes are easy to care for. I have other items in my closet but those are the ones I keep going back to. So I'm thinking, why not just wear only what I love to wear and pretty much ditch the rest? I'd keep my suits and a few items for those times when I have to show my face in the office and a couple of dresses for special occasions. But everything else would go. Because, then, how easy would it be to get dressed in the morning?!! I'm going to stew on this until the weekend before I take the plunge and cull my closet.


  1. Do it! I feel like I have way too many clothes also but can't seem to get rid of the ones I dislike because I have to wear them to work. As soon as I quit I am tossing half my closet out the window!

  2. I second Jennifer - do it! I would adopt the exact same uniform if I didn't have to go to the office. In fact, that uniform works pretty well for my work too. Why do I keep trying to do this business casual thing at a university?

    Maybe I'll do this too...hmmm...will mull til weekend.

  3. Sounds good to me....If you have any pants/jeans or whatever you think I might like that are cute keep me in mind...=). Do you want any help? I'm good as tossing as you know and Larry has to be in Flagstaff for work on Sunday?

  4. Grumpator, about the business casual thing, I kinda agree. But, I used to try and look nice for a good portion of the year and then sort of slouch out.

    My outfit is t-shirt, yoga pants and hoodie. Or leggings.

    I've been going through my clothes and getting rid of stuff which no longer fit or I'm too old for. Goodbye Express dress from the '90s. Doc Martens, likewise, you hurt my feet. Be realistic about what you wear. Be comfortable.
