Anali at Grumpator tagged me for "eight random facts" about myself so here goes:
(1) I will eat a raw beet but I will not, unless under great duress, eat a pickled beet.
(2) There's a purple leafed plant growing in my garden and I have no idea what it is. My father-in-law promised that all the seeds he gave us are food. We'll see.
(3) I am 1/8th Cree and Chippewa Indian (my great aunts and uncles call this "mitchif" meaning mixed because everybody there is French/Indian mixed blood, but mitchif can refer to anyone who is mixed). The reservation that that my part of my family lives on is the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indian reservation in North Dakota and is considered Chippewa, even though most of the people there are more Cree than Chippewa. Apparently at the time the reservation treaty was signed, the law required a full-blooded Indian to sign and the only full-blooded guy around was Chippewa. So there you go.
(4) I finished a Janet Evanovich novel a week or so ago but I didn't put it on my Library Thing account because I was too embarrassed to admit I was reading Janet Evanovich. But I do enjoy mindless reading every now and then, or more accurately all summer.
(5) I spent one summer in college working for a funeral home where my job was, among other things, to drive bodies to the crematorium (in a big box) and then pick them up the next day (in a little box).
(6) In high school, Moses asked me to the prom and I turned him down.
(7) I'm thinking about doing a triathlon in October, but I haven't worked up the courage to register yet, and also a week ago I scraped all the skin off my knees so I'm not feeling so athletic.
(8) I harvested a beautiful roma tomato from our garden tonight (see above right).