Sunday, June 3, 2007

We Didn't Die!!

I'm pleased to report that Garion and I had two separate trail-a-bike adventures and we are still alive to tell about them. We made it to daycare on Friday and to swimming lesson sign-up on Saturday. I feel like should get an I-didn't-drive-my-car-for-two days gold star. Riding a bicycle with the trail-a-bike and Garion attached is sort of like riding a bike drunk (I suspect), or maybe like having an alien being in control of your bike, or maybe like riding on ice--lots of weird movement and very little control. But hey, we lived!
I've been jonesing for an Xtracycle attachment for my bicycle and a couple of days with the trail-a-bike has reinforced my coveting. The only problem is the Xtracycle is expensive, and I mean like a car payment expensive. If I save up all my allotted spending money, I can buy one in three months (with a contribution also from Moses's spending money, because he says it'd be worth it just so I'd quit yammering about the Xtracycle)--we'll see if I have that much discipline. In the mean time, I'm making Moses tow the trail-a-bike.

1 comment:

  1. The xtracycle is extra cool! I hadn't heard of them. I can see why you want one. And I'm very glad you didn't die with the Trail-a-bike!
