Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stick a Fork in Me, 'Cause I'm Done

In case you didn't know, me and mine are packing up and moving Flagstaff. Moses got a job at the U.S. Geological Survey, that he is very excited about, and by some weird, worlds colliding, stars aligning, federal-government-human-resources miracle, my work is allowing me to telecommute from Flagstaff with the occasional personal appearance in the Phoenix office. We must be living right, because I never would have dreamed that would happen in a million years. Unfortunately, moving-on also means moving out, which means selling our house. Which means finishing all the things we should have finished two years ago when we moved into this house. Which, for me, means painting, painting, and then some more painting (to be followed this weekend by cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and then some more cleaning). I took a mental health day today to finish up the painting, painting, painting, and I'm exhausted. And I also have an on-going case of moving-anxiety-stomach. (I send all of my stress to my stomach and shoulders, but for some reason, moving-anxiety has taken up rather permanent residence in my stomach while the shoulders are not so bad).
Probably my exhaustion was contributed to by swimming at an unseemly hour this morning (yes I'm back to that again....nothing kicks my rear exercise-wise like a good work out in the pool). After my swim, out tired an exhausted self pity, I went to through the Starbucks drive-through where I encountered the best drive through person ever. When I pulled up, this sonorous, girlfriend kind of voice that could have belong to some skinny young guy or a large black woman (really, it could have gone either way) greeted me with most enthusiastic and sincere, yet non-annoying, "how are you this morning?" When I pulled to the window, I was greeted by a man who, I am willing to bet large sums of money was gayer than April in Paris, with: "Good morning, Tall Decaf Vanilla Latte!" followed by, "oh, and a blueberry scone, you're going to love that!" and "look at you with your cute short, hair!" Yes! Look at my cute short hair! Oh, Mr. Gay Barrista, you totally made my morning!


  1. ...and spreading the love into the next day! That's awesome!

  2. I can't believe you're moving! Moving "back", even, as it were. Congrats on Moses' new job and your telecommunication. Having those align must feel fabulous.

    You should meet my mom when you're settled in Flag - she is raising Shetland sheep on an acre in Kachina Village, and she has free-range eggs from her own chickens. Garion might like to meet the sheep :)

  3. Yeah, I'm kind of having a hard time wrapping my head around our move too. I feel like I'm going to have comb my hair before I go to the grocery store because I'll probably run into someone I knew in highschool : ). Garion would probably love the sheep--when we're up there and not so lost, I'll get your mom's info from you.
