Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nanny Goats Gruff

Last Friday, Garion and his glass put on a stunning, absolutely fabulous production of "Nanny Goats Gruff." Garion played "Butterfly Number 1" and had three lines which he delivered with poise, clarity and feeling (i.e. he talked into the microphone and you could hear him if you were paying attention). Nanny Goats Gruff is a musical set in bucolic, pristine mountain meadows and centers on a group of six Nanny Goats who must leave their beloved field to graze on the other side of the bridge. I can't remember why, but I'm sure the reason was traumatic. A terrible troll lives under the bridge and threatens to eat each of the Nanny Goats that cross. I really wish I had a video of the troll's performance to show you, because it would knock your socks off (i.e. you would laugh so hard you might need a Depends). The Nanny Goats are clever and each group tells the troll something along the lines of: "you don't want to eat us, there are bigger goats coming." Finally, the last goat, Big Bertha Lee, crosses the bridge and the troll threatens to eat her. She essentially replies, "bring it," and butts him in the head. The troll rolls down the enormous mountain and the Nanny Goats live happily ever after in their new meadow. Oh, the drama!

For the next performance, I promise to be a better mother and bring a real camera (yes I forgot it this time and had to rely on the cell phone, hence the sketchy photos.)


  1. The pictures are just way too cute even if I do say so myself as a proud grandma. Sorry to have missed such a melodrama but hopefully there will be many more to come in Garion's grade school career.

  2. Garion is an adorable butterfly - and is clearly poised to shoot up in fame and fortune as an actor, as he is already good at looking at the camera.
