Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today is the one year anniversary of this blog! My first post, on May 22nd last year, was about the first tomatoes we harvested from our garden. This year, on May 22nd, I'm watching it snow and wondering if I will ever get a chance to plant the seeds for the blue pumpkins (yes, there is such a thing as a blue pumpkin and Garion of course spotted it and picked it out at the store). I also have three little tomato seedlings from my father-in-law that would very much like to be tucked into some nice cozy pots so they can get down to the business of making fruit.

The New York Times had this really fascinating article on blogging today. I've wondered over the course of the last year if blogging is something I should continue to do. It is, at it's essence, public navel gazing and I wonder with a bit of embarassment just how big my ego must be to think that the drivel of my life is something that people want to read about. Then, I remember that I am not holding anyone down and making them read my blog. (Although, I have recently been informed that my mom is now acting as my publicist and I'm not sure what tactics she's employing. So, if you're here because my mom is holding you down and making you read my blog, I'm sorry. She's my mom, she loves me, what can I say? You can tell her from me that I said it's okay if you don't read it anymore, and tell her to let up on the head lock.) I also remember that I really enjoy reading other people's blogs. And finally, today I asked myself, "if no one read this blog, would I still write it?" Yep, I would. It's just too much fun for me to give it up now. And also, I'm pretty sure that my mom and probably Moses will always read my blog. Or, at least they will if I ask them to. So, here's to another year of drivel from Kerry's Garden--thanks for reading!


  1. Don't forget Grumpator and myself are among your faithful readers as well. And also don't forget that it was the introduction to your blog that inspired me to begin writing one of my own. See, you DO make a difference! Awww, now isn't that sweet? Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Happy anniversary. Although your mom got me started, I enjoy your observations, writing style and wit. OK, Debbie, you can release the headlock now!

  3. I have 2 comments:
    1) I've discovered that my favorite blogs to read are those that are written by my friends.
    2) I'm terribly happy that I'm not the only person I know with a blog!

    3) I know I said 2, but Chris was just asking me this past weekend if I thought that I made an effort to portray myself a certain way on my blog. He said that one thing he doesn't like about most of the blogs he's read is that they seem to only show a small portion of the writer, or perhaps only the parts they want to emphasize. I told him that of course there's a lot that I don't reveal on my blog, but that's because it's a public place. I also feel that, because I know that friends and family are reading my blog, it helps keep me more honest. I have greatly enjoyed our little blog community over the past year, and am glad you're planning to still be a part of it!

  4. ifKerry,

    I so enjoy your writing and being your Mom has nothing to do with it....I think.

    Keep on writing Kerry..
    It's such great fun to see you share a little bit of youself through your writing!

  5. It does help to read blogs of friends. Since I've started reading Anali's and then started with Kerry's. It's like a big community....

    Happy Blogiversary...

    Oddly, I can't remember when mine is. Probably somewhere in the fall, I think.
