Sunday, July 13, 2008

Breaking News

Garion lost his first tooth tonight. He delivered the news to us, while getting ready for bed, with Walter Cronkite like gravitas. He said "My tooth is out," in sort of the same tone that that mission control guy used when he said "the Eagle has landed." Anyway it was all very exciting and I'm feeling a little befuddled because I remember how much sleep I had to loose when that tooth came in and now the stupid thing has gone and fallen out. And there's a big adult tooth in its place and my baby isn't a baby anymore. Sniff.

I still have not solved the problem of "what does the tooth-fairy do with all those baby teeth?" I think I'll just hang on to them for awhile until an answer presents itself. Also, I have to hurry up and figure out what the tooth-fairy is paying these days. I used to get a quarter. Seems a little chintzy for 2008, but the kid is only 5 and I don't want him to start putting on airs, what with all the riches he'll have. Maybe fifty cents?


  1. Never before had it occurred to me that all those sleepless nights of teething only accomplished a temporary baby tooth. This is a major set-back on my work toward getting up the guts to have another child.

    And I vote $1 from the tooth fairy.

  2. Hard to believe the first tooth is out. I tried the ol teacher trick of giving Garion an apple when we were camping. After one tentive bite by Garion where he informed me very nicely that it kinda hurt and "Here grandma you can eat the rest of this"....I am glad that he did it. I know he was sure working hard on the wiggle method with that tooth.
