Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

I realize that given my last post, the next logical post in the story-of-my-everyday life would be a race report. So here it is in summary: I finished the race, not as fast as my last half-marathon but much of that time was attributable to port-a-potty visit at mile 1 (yes, bad planning); there were a gazillion people; despite the fact that there were a gazillion people, I had a hard time finding the starting line (they hid it); John McCain was there for some reason I have yet to puzzle out; and finally Deanna Kastor won the half marathon (yes, I ran in a race with Deanna Kastor...she only finished an hour and twenty minutes faster than me).
The next logical post after that would be to tell you all about how I survived the worst snow storm Flagstaff has seen in 30 years while Moses was out of town and school was canceled for a WHOLE WEEK. Yes, this year he has managed to miss both the swine flu and 4 feet of snow. That man is talented. Also, as a result of said snow, our roof is leaking.

But I'm giving these thing short shrift to talk to you about something really important, something I love, something that can almost make you forget there are still a solid 3 feet of snow on the ground everywhere you look and you will not be able to run, nigh even walk, outside for another two months at least. That thing is APPLE PIE. As in homemade. From scratch. With enough butter to require the Bessie the Cow at hippie-grass-fed farm to put in some serious overtime.
I mentioned earlier that one of my New Year's resolutions is to figure out to make an objectively good pie and I do believe this apple pie qualifies.
I, of course, could not have done it without my intrepid assistant and expert apple-corer:

The apple-corer thingermabob turned out to be not quite as helpful as I was hoping. For it to really work, I think you have to have perfectly shaped, non-wobbly apples. Our apples were wobbly. I had to do a little after the fact peeling, but it was probably faster than peeling by hand. Also, Garion really liked operating the apple-corer do-hickey and eating the long ropes of apple peel, so you know, cheap kid entertainment is always worth it.

This is the finished product:

Isn't it beautiful? Next to my child and the corners of my living room that I painted free-hand, that is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever produced.

And! Check it out:

NOT runny! I have given some thought as to why my peach pie was so disastrously runny and this pie was not. Here's what I have come up with: I have no idea. My theory is that I used fresh apples for this pie where with the peach pie I used frozen peaches. I think it's a good theory but one that I'll have to test out this summer by making a peach pie with fresh peaches. Yes, it must be done. The scientific method must be adhered to at all costs. Which also means that I will have to make another apple pie to see if my results can be reproduced. Oh, woe is me and everyone in my family who has to eat my experiments.


  1. That is a truly lovely looking pie. I hereby volunteer to help with testing any further endeavors. After all, your current test subjects might be biased. :-)

  2. YUM. I can almost taste the pie now. I always wanted one of those apple peelers/corers, since my mother-in-law has three apple trees and we get inundated with them, but I'm glad to know they're not all they're cracked up to be.

  3. This looks absolutely delicious. My favorite pie. Great job doesn't that sound just like the retired CLIP
    teacher that I am....
