Friday, September 18, 2009

Harry Potter and the Six Year Old Boy

After much begging, pleading, negotiating, and wheedling, Garion finally contrived a way to get me to approve viewing of Harry Potter movies. Here are the terms of our contract. He could not watch any of the Harry Potter movies until he had read the corresponding book and he had to start with book one. Further, he had to read some of the book himself (he read about 10% and I read about 90% to him--that's what happens when the parent gets sucked into the book as much as the kid). I also it made it abundantly clear that under no circumstances would we be reading past book three this year (too scary) and therefore he would not get to finish the Harry Potter books until he was older. This of course set off another round negotiations on how old is old enough to read the last books in the series; we have tabled these discussions for now. Finally, I told him he has to absolutely, positively quit asking me what happens in later books because I am not going to tell him, he'll find out when we get there.
He agreed to the above, and having finished book one, we are scheduled to watch the movie together tonight accompanied by a pizza dinner and beer (regular for me, root for Garion). I'm looking forward to it just as much as Garion is. My mom thinks the movies are too scary, but I already let the boy watch Star Wars about 10,000 times so the damage to his delicate psyche is probably already done--why start holding back now?
I've really, really enjoyed reading the books to Garion. Three cheers for books with plots! I love it when he laughs at the funny parts or says "cool!" when some new bit of magic gets introduced. I love going into his room in the morning to find him reading in bed because he wants to find out what happens next before going to school and I get a huge kick out of watching him play wands and spells and contemplating his latent wizard nature. And, I go all soft and gooey when he snuggles up to me and begs me to read more (which is every night without fail--weather I read 2 pages or 10, it is never enough) and gets that funny little puppy dog look. I know this time is so short and, tired as I am some nights, I know this is the time to soak it up and enjoy. Pretty soon he'll be reading to himself, thank you very much, Harry Potter will be old news and the last thing he'll want is for his mom to tuck him in and kiss him goodnight.


  1. That's what is so great about those books. They encouraged a whole new generation of kids to enjoy reading. It's too bad the books got such a bad rap from the religious extremists, they should just be happy their children aren't going to be illiterate because of JK Rowling.
    Congrats to Garion for finishing book 1. Let us know how he likes the movie!

  2. Kerry, You are so much fun is that to snuggle and enjoy a book together. I am sure that having you right there watching with him made the movie all right and not to scary=)! You know know once a mom....always a mom even if it pops out in the grandma role. Excited to see how her liked it. Might have to call tonight.
